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What Kind of Love is This


What Kind of Love is This
Music and Lyric by Bryn and Sally Hayworth
© 1983 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Rights in the western hemisphere administered by EMI Christian Music Pub.

What kind of love is this
That gave itself for me
I am the guilty one
Yet I go free
What kind of love is this
A love I’ve never known
I didn’t even know His name
What kind of love is this

What kind of man is this
Who died in agony
He who had done no wrong
Was crucified for me
What kind of man is this
Who laid aside His throne
That I might know the love of God
What kind of man is this

By faith I have been saved
It is the gift of God
He destined me to be His own
Such is His love
No eye has ever seen
No ear has ever heard
Nor has the heart of men conceived
What kind of love is this


  1. Dan Elliott

    Is this a slightly different version as the original has “he destined me to be his son” which is much more in line with what scripture teaches. Obviously the masculine reference includes the feminine as do all masculine references in scripture unless they are specifically referring to men in which case it is clear from the context.

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