Ours is not a crisis of knowledge, but rather, it’s a crisis of love…
The song was written in November just as a northern prairie winter was starting to settle in; hardly a season (physically or emotionally) for Easter joy. For me, it was a season of terrible sorrow and anxious dread…
The biblical tradition cannot be easily understood looking from the top-down as most of the scriptures were written by oppressed peoples throughout history…
Yesterday, after a week of prep, we finally pressed the record button on my new album…
Thoughts and a song for a somewhat subversive feast. – by Steve Bell
“…the gospels don’t let us off easily. Jesus—light from light, true God from true God—enters history as a vulnerable victim of Herodian cruelty, not aligned with the settled and powerful, but rather with the dispossessed and fleeing. Indeed, the One whom the Old Testament prophet-poets laud as our rock and refuge is now revealed as…
On the Feast of the Nativity, we look into the humble, entirely vulnerable face of the Christ Child and ask how we can possibly perceive the “splendour of the Father, and the figure of his substance.”
Even in our troubled humanity—within the drama of brokenness, redemption and salvation—we, too, have been invited to take up our role as maternal-spouse of God: to receive, carry and bear forth new life for the sake of the world. Anything less is beneath our dignity…
This book is written to give voice both to love and to lamentation, to find expression for grief without losing hope, to help us honour the dead with tears, yet still to glimpse through those tears the light of the resurrection…